It's not secret that Thursday is one of my favorite days of the week! It's nearly the weekend and I have worship team practice tonight and I get to write about the things that I've been thankful for this week! This thursday is no exception!
1.) Praxis Scores: Last week I received word that I passed the Praxis II test with a high enough score for the state of Virginia! What a relief! I honestly thought I had failed that test and was pretty bummed not because it meant that I couldn't find a job in VA but that it meant that I would have to waste more money on taking it again!
2.) The internet: I know, I was thankful for this a while back, but honestly there is no other way that I would be able to job hunt in a different state. I spent all day Monday on the internet researching schools, if I didn't have this resource I'm pretty sure that I would be in the dark and homeless.
3.) Real Friends: I'm talking about the type of friends who really ask you how you are, and who can read you and know when you're not okay and keep asking why. They don't let up until you confess what's been going on and then they listen! Those friends are the best!
4.) Headphones: Last night I stayed up super late preparing music for a rehearsal next week, and the only way I could do that without disturbing my entire house and hearing every part of the song was with headphones! I love my headphones, I carry them everywhere!
5.) Books: I love to read! I love reading about topics that interest me! I could be stuck in a book all day and feel so content!
6.) Window Screens: Silly I know, as we speak I'm sitting in my room enjoying the sun coming through my window and the breeze that is blowing without all of the bugs! Window screens were an amazing invention! They keep so many flying and creeping critters out of my house!
7.) Prayer: I know for sure that I wouldn't know what to do with my life if I didn't have prayer! I took about 2.5 weeks off and well, I could sense the difference in my life, and my friends were able to sense it as well! There is just so much that I miss when I'm not praying! BTW, today is National Day of Prayer. Did you pray for your country, teachers, students, schools, government officials, Armed Forces, or your family?
8.) Post it Notes: I have them all over my desk right now, they are helping me to stay organized! I have them all over regarding passwords for different employment sites and names of schools that I've applied to. Songs, that I love right now and want to learn how to play! Oh, I love how they come in different colors and they are sticky on just one edge! Genius!
9.) My Family: My family is back together for the first time in 4 months and it's fantastic! We've had 3 nights of family dinners, and I'm going to cherish them because well, let's face it, my family is changing...and I can't say that I'm a fan of that right now.
10.) Music: It is my passion 100%. I'm a nerd and got super excited yesterday afternoon when music for a choir festival came in the mail! As soon as I had time, I started researching the songs and finding recordings of them and planning out my rehearsals! I got super excited about it and I can't wait for Monday nights rehearsal! I can't wait to dive into the music! I'm a nerd I know!
Well, those are just a few things that I'm thankful for this week! What are you thankful for?