I need to admit this to the blog world, I have an addiction! I am addicted to finding new bands/artists and buying their music! I am addicted to finding out everything about their music and what their inspiration was and how the perform and what makes them stand out as a group!
This week I added a new column to my itunes music list and it is "YEAR." I can now see how old my music is. It is May the 12th and since January 1st I have purchased 10 brand new CD's that have been produced this year. I don't know how many CD's in total that I've purchased since January! I'm sure my bank account could tell you!
Music is something that I love so deeply! I guess that's why I can't wait till I have my own classroom, so that I can teach music all day long! But, that's a tangent!
This year the world of Christian Music has produced some amazing albums thus far! Some of my favorites are: (in no particular order)
1. Mercy Me: The Generous Mr. Lovewell
2. Passion 2010
3. Meredith Andrews: As Long As it Takes
4. Tenth Avenue North: Light Meets the Dark
5. Vicky Beeching: Eternity Invades
If you haven't heard these albums yet, you're missing out!
I love New Release Tuesday, each week they have great updates about what new music is coming out and info about the artists!
So, I've now admitted it! I'm am addicted to new Christian music!
This post puts a smile on my face! Though I don't buy near as many new CDs on itunes or otherwise as you, I can definitely empathize with your affinity with new Christian music/artists!! I must admit that 1, 2, & 4 on your current favorites rank high on my list as well! Glad I'm not alone. :) ...I like the idea of your latest itunes column.