Monday, June 7, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 14 (On Monday)

I can't believe that I forgot about Thankful Thursday this week! Well, Thursday was a crazy busy day in my world! I had an interview Thursday morning, I had lunch with a friend and then I had a second interview in the afternoon followed by band rehearsal!

Needless to day, my car and I weren't separated for long! I'm pretty sure I put on 170 miles on my car without leaving the state! All in all it was a great day! I'm pretty optimistic about the hotel job that I applied for and as for the teaching position, well I now have a job for September! I'm very, very excited! I'm looking forward to teaching choir again! I haven't done so in a long time, and I just can't wait to get started! It's going to be fantastic!

So, now that I have a job, I guess I really need to start praying about a car, because grandpa is getting older and older by the minute!

So here are my thankful thoughts of the week!
1.) A NEW job!

2.) New opportunities

3.) Awesome family and friends

4.) Hopes and Dreams

5.) Fun Musicales: Seussical Jr was performed at the school where I taught and it was great! The kids did such a great job with it!

6.) Beach Days

7.) Sunscreen

8.) Cool Summer nights

9.) Rain that cools off the earth

10.) Frigid NJ waters that feel really good on hot summer days!

I LOVE SUMMER! I hope that this post isn't an indication of the rest of my summer, where I forget each thursday to write what I'm thankful for....someone remind me please!

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