Sunday, September 26, 2010

Long Time no Blog

So, I haven't blogged in nearly 3 months....oh my goodness!

Life has been CRAZY, to say the least!

In those 3 months, I've been on a Caribbean vacation that was amazingly relaxing, started a new job, became an assisting marching band instructor, and private lesson teacher. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but oh man...I don't know where all of my time goes!

I really want to try and get back on the blogging wagon, because it'll make me spend some time a few times a week reflecting on life and all of the AMAZING blessings that God's bestowed!

So, check back later this week, and I'll try and update on life in more detail!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 16

What a crazy week this has been...not in the sense that I've had a lot going on, or that I've been running around like a mad woman, but emotionally. I guess, that's one of the things that I've been dealing a lot with lately, are my emotions. We had a great discussion Tuesday night at our small group about what Confidence really is. We're studying a book right now called "Six Steps to becoming a Confident woman," and I'm very excited about it! It's going to be a sweet journey!

So here's this weeks list:
1.) Beautiful summer evenings where you can look up at the sky and see the stars.

2.) Birthday's! I was able to spend my birthday with my family at the shore this year which is not something that I've done in quite a few years and it brought back so many memories!

3.) Chances to mess up and learn from your mess ups. Tonight at band practice, I just wasn't prepared. I was all ready to teach a song, that I wasn't ready to teach, I could sing everything except 2 lines of the whole song, but guess what I needed to know the whole song. I love that I have a church family that loves me even when I royally mess up like tonight! It was such a good experience, because when I don't mess up I get cocky, and that's never a good thing

4.) Birthday's: celebrating life in general is awesome! Life can be over in an instant, and as I'm growing older I'm realizing this more and more!

5.) 2 fun loving dogs called Shelby and Bailey! I've spent a lot of time with these two and they've kept me company while I house sit! They sort of remind me of myself and my brother from when we were growing up because they antagonize each other and then start trying to attack the's pretty hilarious, minus when you're trying to sleep!

6.) Sushi: It was so hot yesterday, and I was trying to figure out what to eat that wouldn't make me hotter, so sushi was what came to mind, and it was fantastic!

7.) Independence

8.) Waiting: I am not a patient person, but apparently I'm suppose to be learning something while waiting for a certain school district to call me back about a job. I really hate waiting, but it goes along with with messing up, the less I have to wait, the less patient I become, the more I have to wait, the better my patience are!

9.) Wonderful Employees at Old Navy that help you get better discounts!

10.) Honesty

It's great to be back at the thankful thursday list! What are you thankful for this week?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 15 (A few weeks behind)

I know that I promised I would write last week but, it seems like come thursday I'm in such a funk. Don't get me wrong I love thursday because that means tomorrow is friday, but there's been so much going on that I just forget about my blog so easily.

So here's this weeks edition of Thankful Thursday

1.) Incredibly supportive friends and family!

2.) Psalm 23- This past monday night I got together with a sponsor from our college and career group and we were talking through this summer and she reminded me of this chapter, and it has brought me through a lot this week!

3.) Gentle reminders of His LOVE, which is so much stronger and better than human love.

4.) Air Conditioners- I finally got an air conditioner in my room this week! I'm so thankful for it, because I've gone 17 years without it and it makes sleeping in the summer bearable!


A lot has been happening around my house...there is so much uncertainty and I would like to say that I've been dealing with it well, but I haven't. I'm not doing well with it. I just want to scream actually, but how can I? How can I scream when I know that the words to "You Are For Me" by Kari Jobe are so true.

So faithful
So constant
So loving and so true
So powerful in all you do
You fill me
You see me
You know my every move
You love for me to sing to you

I know that you are for me
I know that you are for me
I know that you will never forsake me in my weakness
I know that you have come down
Even if to write upon my heart
To remind me who you are

So patient
So gracious
So merciful and true
Kari Jobe You Are For Me lyrics found on
So wonderful in all you do
You fill me
You see me
You know my every move
You love for me to sing to you

I know that you are for me
I know that you are for me
I know that you will never forsake me in my weakness
I know that you have come down
Even if to write upon my heart
To remind me that

I know that you are for me
I know that you are for me
I know that you will never forsake me in my weakness
I know that you have come down
Even if to write upon my heart
To remind me who you are

So, I am resting on these lyrics and the truth that is behind them and in the truth found in Psalm 23 to get me through these rough few days. I keep praying and spending time with my KING and knowing that He's going to get me through everything that's going on around me! And I am thankful for that too!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Has it really been 3 weeks?

Has it really been 3 weeks since I last posted something? That's crazy! For some reason, I've put off posting something for Thankful Thursday for 2 weeks, it's not that I haven't been thankful, but for some reason, I've been in this "funk." That's how my roommate would put it!

There has been so much going on over these last 3 weeks! I've secured a maternity leave position, and have a strong lead on a permanent position. I've sung an entire weekend of services at my parents church. I've read a few books. I've house sat for my friends. I've worked a few days here and there. I've gone to the shore. I've hung out with my friends, and seen some good movies. I've planned for my cruise next month, and I've started counting down the days till my birthday!

I've been so preoccupied recently. I've been dreaming a lot too; so much so, I've been having a hard time falling a sleep. I've been dreaming about what life's going to be like starting in September when I have a classroom again, and what I'm going to do with that paycheck! Mostly, what car I'm going to purchase with that paycheck! Last summer I was stuck on a Honda Civic, but now I really want an SUV! I've got my heart set on a JEEP, and now that I know what I want, I keep seeing them everywhere, and it's killing me because I know that i can't buy one until at least December, but I have next to no money saved up for that car! So, needless to say, I've been drooling over this car! But, then I was thinking through it a little more and that car is going to be a lot of money just with insurance, so now, I've got a lot more research to do and then when I do finally obtain a full time position then I can start looking into purchasing a vehicle even further.

With all of this waiting, I've nearly been going batty! I'm trying to stay calm and trying to not put myself in a position (in my head) that I'm not suppose to be at! I have a tendency to imagine myself in a place where I want to be, but it's not necessarily the place where I'm suppose to be. I haven't been spending a lot of time praying about it, and I know that I need to be doing that! I don't want to make any decisions without first having confirmation.

So there's an update about what's been happening here in 3 weeks! I'm sure there has been a lot more, but this post could be a mile long if I write anymore!

Be on the look out for a new thankful thursday this week!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 14 (On Monday)

I can't believe that I forgot about Thankful Thursday this week! Well, Thursday was a crazy busy day in my world! I had an interview Thursday morning, I had lunch with a friend and then I had a second interview in the afternoon followed by band rehearsal!

Needless to day, my car and I weren't separated for long! I'm pretty sure I put on 170 miles on my car without leaving the state! All in all it was a great day! I'm pretty optimistic about the hotel job that I applied for and as for the teaching position, well I now have a job for September! I'm very, very excited! I'm looking forward to teaching choir again! I haven't done so in a long time, and I just can't wait to get started! It's going to be fantastic!

So, now that I have a job, I guess I really need to start praying about a car, because grandpa is getting older and older by the minute!

So here are my thankful thoughts of the week!
1.) A NEW job!

2.) New opportunities

3.) Awesome family and friends

4.) Hopes and Dreams

5.) Fun Musicales: Seussical Jr was performed at the school where I taught and it was great! The kids did such a great job with it!

6.) Beach Days

7.) Sunscreen

8.) Cool Summer nights

9.) Rain that cools off the earth

10.) Frigid NJ waters that feel really good on hot summer days!

I LOVE SUMMER! I hope that this post isn't an indication of the rest of my summer, where I forget each thursday to write what I'm thankful for....someone remind me please!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 13

I can't believe that I've stayed away from this blog for a whole week, it's been a busy one though! So here are my thoughts!

1.) Worship Bands: This weekend I went on a retreat with my college and career group and there was an awesome Worship Band and it was so cool to worship with them!

2.) Demo Lessons: I had an awesome demo lesson this past tuesday for a job for next year, and I was really excited to be working with middle school students again! I had a blast sharing a fun African piece with them, and they enjoyed the piece a lot!

3.) HULU: I've caught up on so many shows this week because I've been able to watch them on Hulu.

4.) Thunderstorms: We had a super awesome thunderstorm tonight. Now if you know me, I was ridiculously scared of them as a child, so I think it's awesome that I love them now! It was really warm today and the thunderstorm cooled off the earth so wonderfully!

5.) My new Business Cards: They are so pretty! If you'd like some just let me know!

6.) Lake Champion: It is just so beautiful and the weather this past weekend was fantastic! It is so easy to appreciate God's creation while you're sitting near the lake while the fog is rising off of it in the early morning!

7.) Getting Challenged Spiritually: This weekend was so awesome!

8.) My Roomates New Job: She's going to be 2.5 hours closer to me know! WOOHOO

9.) LOST: I've spent 3 years watching that show, and it ended this weekend. I'm not sure if I liked the ending, but I'm so glad I watched it! Plus, we had a great time at our LOST party.

10.) Each and Every day being a new day!

It's been a crazy week, but a great one! Someday I'll write about the weekend!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 12

I was so excited when I realized that it was Thursday because that meant that I was able to write down my thankful thoughts for the week

1.) Interviews that lead to Demo Lessons

2.) Lake Champion: Our College and Career group is going on their annual retreat this weekend and it's going to be amazing! I'm so expectant of what He's going to teach us this weekend!

3.) Job Opportunities: He never ceases to amaze me, just when I'm down about finding a job and worrying about my finances, something always surfaces!

4.) Playing French Horn: Last night my Middle School Band Director had her retirement concert and I was able to play my horn for the first time in 4 years! I was so excited to play again, and I was glad that it was just like riding a bike! I played for so many years that it was impossible for me to forget how to play! I had a blast!

5.) Cotton Skirts

6.) Beautiful Days for Wonderful Drives

7.) Playing with my cousins: They are so full of life, and are full of joy and never cease to make me smile and laugh!

8.) Curling Gel: I love being able to get up in the morning and decide that i don't want to dry my hair, but I get to wear it curly. It seems ridiculous, but I've enjoyed having options with my hair over the last year. Before that I always had to dry and straighten it, and that takes forever and gets boring!

9.) Mentors: It's hard to believe that a year ago I was just learning guitar and learning how to lead worship, over this past year I've undergone tremendous growth and I'm so thankful for my amazing mentors

10.) Books: I love getting lost in books and feeling like I belong in the story and feeling like I belong in the characters world! I've just started reading the Twilight books, I know, I'm behind, but I'm enjoying them tremendously and I can't wait to read more!

My goal for the weekend is to be quiet! Each year I go into the retreat wanting to become recharged, and this weekend is no different! I'm excited!