So, this last week has been a little dull and I just didn't know what to write about, well that is until today!
So, I finished the book "Facedown" by Matt Redman, it was mind blowing! There are aspects of worship that I'd never even thought about! He included so many great verses and images and stories that really made the book feel alive (It's non-fiction). I honestly had to read one chapter at a time so that I could digest what he was talking about! So, if you haven't read this book, you need to read it and read it slowly!
It's not just for worship leaders, its for anyone who worships! It will give you a greater insight about worship and how God views worship and how you can worship!
So, since I had a eye opening talk a few weeks ago, I guess it may be about 3 now, I've been spending a lot of time at the park, just reading the Word, and praying and listening and looking at nature and thinking, God this is so stinking sweet. Well this last week has been a little rough. I've sort of been doing that, but the other day I reclined my seat in the car and started praying and next thing I know 30 minutes had gone by, and well I know that I hadn't been praying that long, I fell asleep. How could I fall asleep? Well, I guess I set myself up for failure, I reclined my seat, the windows were open and I was looking right into the sun so it was really nice and warm in my car. See, failure!
Yesterday I tried it in a coffee shop and well, I didn't get to concentrate too much. For one my friend works there and we're always talking and I can never get quiet there. So, when I was finally starting to get quiet, this middle aged woman walks in with her elderly mother and she is talking quite loudly. So naturally I'm getting a little annoyed because it's hard for me to concentrate normally and now this woman is coming in and she's talking loudly and asking questions because she's never been there before. So they come inside and naturally the like what they see and grab something to eat and drink and then decide to sit down. Because there are people in the back room they sit at a bench next to me. I start thinking great, now I'm really not going to get anything done. Well, I soon realize that this woman's mother is probably suffering from some kind of dementia. So, this lady starts talking quite loudly and I'm getting more upset and I get up and talk to my friend for a second and come back and she still keeps talking. After a while she starts talking to me. Well it wasn't until she left that I was like, Meaghan what is your problem. You're probably one of the only people she talks to all day. Her mother is off in her own little world and doesn't know what's really happening to her right then and there. So naturally I'm upset with myself for not being welcoming to this woman and more pleasant when she was talking to me.
Thanks God for the conviction.
So, today I'm at the park, it's raining outside but I haven't spent time there since probably Monday so I'm looking forward to it. Well, I'm writing things down and He's revealing stuff and I'm like okay God just show me what else I'm doing wrong, well that is like opening pandora's box. Let me just tell you that I've now been listing things in my head and then other things have happened. Like, yesterday I found out some really good information and immediately I was on the phone talking to my friends and telling them and well the first thing I read today while in the park is James 3 and it's titled controlling your tongue. OH MAN!
So, now I'm going to make a written list, because He's telling me exactly what I was asking about! So, now it's time to do something about it.
Do you need to make a list? Do you need to listen? Be careful, but in the end, it's going to be amazingly worth it!
I'm excited that tomorrow's Thankful Thursday!
Yeah I was just talking to my dad about reading James (he teaches my Sunday School class and we're about to start studying that book) and he said, "There's some good preaching in there, huh?" :) I'd say so!