This past week has been crazy. I've been here there and everywhere! I've watched 3 different dogs this weekend, and it was pretty fantastic! So here are my thoughts, this week!
I am thankful for:
1.) My Car: last friday I was without it and I missed my freedom to go where I want, when I want all day long!
2.) Freedom
3.) Washing Machines
4.) Weddings: A friend got married this weekend and it was beautiful! They were so gracious and asked me to sing at their wedding and I was honored! I'm so happy for them both and wish them all the best!
5.) Snail Mail: I got a very unexpected note in the mail yesterday and it just brought a smile to my face!
6.) Gluten Free Broccoli and Beef Stir-Fry: It's so good! I could eat it all the time!
7.) Songs that just send you into a deep thought. They just speak to you in ways that you've never understood and it's such a wonderful feeling!
8.) Waking up in the morning, with the sun already shinning through.
9.) Infection Free Eyes: I've been fighting an infection in my eye since October and I think it's finally gone! Take that stupid infection!
10.) Small Group: We are having the most amazing time together and learning so much! I love them and what they have to offer each and every week and I love the girls who can share details of life with each other and honestly care about you!
it's been a fantastic week! What are you thankful for?
I love your #6!!!!!! :-)