Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Blog Soon

So I've decided to embark on an adventure of blogging and crafting!

I haven't been blogging because I feel like I have nothing to Blog about. I felt as if this has become a diary of sorts, and well the idea of having everything posted on the internet scared the bejeezus out of me! So, instead I'm working on a new blog where I can talk about my crafts and fun adventures in sewing/ sharing my latest projects!

So, here is the deal, I need a really fun, creative title for this new blog, but I can't seem to come up with a super awesome one, so I need your help!

Please post ideas in the comments section and I'm going to pick from that list, or combine some of them together! I greatly appreciate your help!

Now, start thinking of that super, sweet, catchy, fun, inventive, witty title!


  1. I can think of a bunch probably because I'm just THAT witty hahaha (kiddinggggg), but the first one that just popped into my head when I read this was "Sew What?" Get it? Cuz it's like, so what? but it has "sew" instead of "so?" ...yeah... hahahaha i'll try to think of something a little more complex lol but I thought it was cute...

  2. Alicia, I like it, but apparently it's already taken! I googled it just to see if something came up, and it did. Darn! I appreciate you putting thought into it!

  3. OH! Ok, so this could be lame... but bear with me (this is what you get when you catch me bored at work and tell me to read a blog haha)

    So maybe I'm too hung up on wordplay, but what if you played off of "The Social Network" and did something like The "Sew"-cial Knitwork? or "Sew"-cial Knitworking? Or if it's too much, you could just do one of the words, either The "Sew"-cial Network or The Social Knitwork... I actually like The "Sew"-cial Network, now that I look at it. But I thought it was two for the price of one since you can throw in sewing AND knitting, AAANNDD it all conveniently sounds like a popular form of technology and oscar-nominated movie title... so it's culturally relevant. Hahaha again, it could be lame and corny, and it sort of came out of nowhere... but Google THAT! bet you don't find it. hahaha :)

  4. Acutally "The Sewcial Network" is a seller on Etsy! But, "The Sewcial Knitwork" is not! That could be fun!
