Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Meeting People

When I was younger I had a really hard time meeting new people and really getting to know them because I had so many insecurities with myself. Why? I can honestly say that I was trying to change myself on my own. I didn't know who I was and what I was doing on this earth. I didn't like the way I looked. I was always taller than other kids my age, I was always heavier than kids my age, I had big feet, I wore glasses and I just didn't know how to talk to them. I have always been able to converse better with people who are older than me than my peers. That is up until now!

Over this last year I've been able to communicate so much better with people. I've always made excuses that I just don't know what to talk about, but while in college the church I went to talked about rocking Philippians 2! "Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others." (philippians 2:3-4)

So you may be asking yourself, what does that mean? Simply it means to always look at others better than yourself. It means, not focusing on you but on other people on their issues, on their hurt, on their needs before your own. Each one of us is selfish. It's one of the many sins that plagues each one of us. So how do we get rid of this sin? How do we become better people? How do we emulate Jesus? Because that is the only man who is better than all of us! The only man who is perfect, pure and holy, blameless and without sin.

1.) We need to recognize that we are full of sin, that we are worth nothing except that our debts have been paid for. How was that paid for you ask. Well, God sent His one and only son Jesus to earth to live as a human. He grew up amongst the people and as He got older He began to preach the truth. After 33 years on earth and Jesus was betrayed, brought before His own people who exchanged Him for a prisoner. Then he was nailed to a cross and that's where He died. Three days after His death He rose! What? Yes, He rose from His grave and took his rightful seat next to His father in Heaven. He paid the ultimate price for our shortcomings, our sins, HE DIED for US! How awesome!

2.) Repent of our sins and believe that Jesus died to save us. Acts 20:21 What does that mean, that you are truly sorry for everything that you've done wrong and that you want to change, that you believe that Jesus was sent to this earth to die for us and that because of His death and resurrection that He paid for our sins so that we may also be in Heaven one day!

3.) Start looking to Jesus to see how we're suppose to act. So many people have this negative connotation of Christians because we screw up all the time and people only see what we do and how we act and well, we're are terrible examples of Christ. So we need to be sure that we're looking to Him each and every day to find out what part of us needs work.

With all of this we can learn how to put people before us and learn how to care for them. This product is called Rocking Philippians 2! Not hard at all! When you rock Philippians 2 you can talk to anyone because we can all talk on and on about ourselves.

If you're having trouble talking to people after all of this, sit down and make a list of questions that people ask you. Include follow up questions as well so that you can find out more about them!

Keep Rocking Philippians 2!

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