Last night we had small group and I wasn't prepared for it at all! I had planned on getting into the study earlier that day, but with everything I just forgot. I hate showing up and not really having anything to contribute to the discussion, but let me tell you, it was one of the coolest discussions we've had yet!
We're going through a study on Acts written by Max Lucado and each week he takes a section from a chapter in Acts and we focus on that. We've been through a lot of good discussions thus far, and well, last night took the cake. Last night we were reading from Acts 8, focusing on the Story of the Ethiopian Eunuch. A few years ago, we studied this same passage, and it wasn't anything like last weeks study.
We discussed things I'd never even thought about like, Philip just left Samaria because God asked him to. He told him to go south down the desert road, and guess what....Philip did just that! He left. He didn't ask questions, he didn't do it begrudgingly, he just got up and left because the angle of the Lord told him to. Next he comes upon an Ethiopian Eunuch whose on the desert road who was on his way back to Ethiopia via Jerusalem. This man was very rich because he was a treasurer, so why was he on the desert road that was known only for traders because robbers were known to attack people on this road. He's a Eunuch and he was worshiping in a temple in Jerusalem? Really, what? And to top it all off, Philip met him there, while he was reading out of the book of Isaiah, and he didn't understand what he was reading, but Philip was there to help him understand. AHHHHHHHHH.........what? My mind was being blown!
Anyway, Philip was brought there by God for a reason. He instructed the Eunuch about what he was reading and the Eunuch believed then the Eunuch wanted to be baptized, and he was baptized IN WATER. Did I mention that they were in a DESERT? They just happened to be near water? Are you kidding? How can this be?
There was no other way for my small little mind to understand this than to fully believe that God has plans for us. He wants us to be in specific places as specific times. So, in order for us to do as God wants us to do, we can't be comfortable, we can't begrudgingly agree to do whatever it is, because we wouldn't be honoring Him and loving Him, because He knows what's best for us.
So, I've been asking myself this question over the last few hours, am I too comfortable? Would I be willing to leave and just go and follow God's instructions? Would I do it willingly or begrudgingly? I would like to say that I would be willing and that I would trust Him 100%, but I don't think that I would.
So, in the next few days, I'm challenging myself, to really search into why would I not act the same way Peter acted. Why would I not do something cheerfully for the God that I love so much. Do I really love Him that much? Because in a few days from now, He proves to us how much He does love us. There is no denying His love for us.
Will you take the challenge with me? Will you search out these answers?
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