I can't believe that it's been 2 months since I started this journey in blogging! I've found that writing out my thoughts, helps me to process them, and in the end I've started seeing changes in my life! How SWEET!
So here's this weeks version of Thankful Thursday:
1.) Sunshine- it has been one of the sunniest and warmest Aprils that I can ever remember
2.) Conviction- God's been showing me a lot about myself recently and how much garbage there is still in my life and although it hurts to admit it, coming out of the refining fire is fantastic!
3.) "Facedown" by Matt Redman- Just finished the book this week. If you're involved with worship at all you need to read this!
4.) Skype- it's become my new AIM. I get to talk with friends no matter if they are 1/4 mile dow the road, 5 hours north of me or half way around the world in China!
5.) Clouds- Yesterday I started a new book called "When Women Worship" and in that book there is a story about a girl who lives in the desert and her car breaks down and she passes out from the heat. The story continues but that's the part where the clouds make the difference. Can you imagine how hot our world would be if we didn't have clouds. We get rain from clouds so that everything is green and it can grow and produce food, so if we didn't have clouds we too would probably be living in a desert.
6.) Quiet time in my car at the park- I haven't been able to spend as much time in the park this week as I wanted to, so the time that I do get to spend is even more precious!
7.) Texting- I love keeping up with my friends at a split second...I love hearing what's going on in their lives at that very instant
8.) Being Challenged- Each week we're being challenged more and more as a worship team, and it's been an amazing journey! This past sunday was indescribable! I'm so expectant about this upcoming weekend!
9.) It's Late April- That means that the college kids are going to be coming home soon! That means, that I'm not going to be an only child in my house anymore! WOOOHOOOOO (There should be laws against seeing your brother once every 4 months)
10.) MY ROOMATE- She sent me a surprise card this week, and it obviously made my day! She's so amazing like that!
What are you thankful for? Have you been taking the Thankful Thursday challenge? If not, what's holding you back?
You should all check out my brothers blog and check out his challenge. http://blmcelroy12.blogspot.com/2010/04/coffee.html
I love you roomie!