Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving/ Thankful Thursday

It seems so fitting that Thanksgiving falls on a Thursday every year! I just happen to benefit very well from it because it's suppose to be Thankful Thursday on the blog, but I have been so delinquent since I started working this year.

Now, I know that I don't have very many blog readers, but this blog seemed to be a great outlet for me earlier this year! I have found that I would much rather type out my thoughts, because I can't write nearly as fast, or nearly as neat...therefore when I go back to look through posts, it takes me forever to read them because I can't decipher what I've written.

So, Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I am currently still sitting in my bed at 11:20am and watching the snow fall through the crack between the window frame and the shade! It's such a beautiful sight! I keep thinking back to Thanksgiving last year.

Last year my family decided to have Thanksgiving down in the Outer Banks...this was one of the best/craziest ideas that they've ever had! Well, I flew down on the Tuesday night before Thanksgiving because I had to work, and well, that was the first experience I had with flying around the holidays, and I hope it's one of the last! Then we spent the next 4 days just eating and drinking! I was able to relax, I spent a lot of time to myself because I was trying to discern what my future was going to hold! I was a recent college graduate who was filling a long-term sick leave replacement and didn't know where life was going next and didn't know where God was going to place me.

This year, I'm a not so recent college graduate who is filling a maternity leave replacement position that ends in 3 weeks, has 2 offers for other maternity leaves and a full time position opportunity that she's still in the running for! HOW CRAZY! I still don't exactly know where God is calling me, but I do have a better understanding of how He wants me to live, and how He's using me in the church!

So, although there are still so many unanswered questions about life, I am content with waiting on God!

Here is my list of Thanks for This Thankful Thursday/Thanksgiving Style:
1.) My Family: They have been so supportive for my entire life, and it's such a blessing!
2.) My Job: I have the opportunity to impact the lives of children everyday, and I pray that it's always a positive impact.
3.) The First Snow: How cool is it that today is the first snow of the winter!
4.) Matthew 5: The Beatitudes have been coming up a lot recently, so I took time to read them over this morning, they are life changing! It puts things in perspective!
5.) My Church Family: They have been so supportive especially over the last 18 months! I love them very much!
6.) Opportunities
7.) Movement
8.) My car holding together!
9.) My Friends
10.) My Jesus

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all enjoy a wonderful day with your families!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Long Time no Blog

So, I haven't blogged in nearly 3 months....oh my goodness!

Life has been CRAZY, to say the least!

In those 3 months, I've been on a Caribbean vacation that was amazingly relaxing, started a new job, became an assisting marching band instructor, and private lesson teacher. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but oh man...I don't know where all of my time goes!

I really want to try and get back on the blogging wagon, because it'll make me spend some time a few times a week reflecting on life and all of the AMAZING blessings that God's bestowed!

So, check back later this week, and I'll try and update on life in more detail!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 16

What a crazy week this has been...not in the sense that I've had a lot going on, or that I've been running around like a mad woman, but emotionally. I guess, that's one of the things that I've been dealing a lot with lately, are my emotions. We had a great discussion Tuesday night at our small group about what Confidence really is. We're studying a book right now called "Six Steps to becoming a Confident woman," and I'm very excited about it! It's going to be a sweet journey!

So here's this weeks list:
1.) Beautiful summer evenings where you can look up at the sky and see the stars.

2.) Birthday's! I was able to spend my birthday with my family at the shore this year which is not something that I've done in quite a few years and it brought back so many memories!

3.) Chances to mess up and learn from your mess ups. Tonight at band practice, I just wasn't prepared. I was all ready to teach a song, that I wasn't ready to teach, I could sing everything except 2 lines of the whole song, but guess what I needed to know the whole song. I love that I have a church family that loves me even when I royally mess up like tonight! It was such a good experience, because when I don't mess up I get cocky, and that's never a good thing

4.) Birthday's: celebrating life in general is awesome! Life can be over in an instant, and as I'm growing older I'm realizing this more and more!

5.) 2 fun loving dogs called Shelby and Bailey! I've spent a lot of time with these two and they've kept me company while I house sit! They sort of remind me of myself and my brother from when we were growing up because they antagonize each other and then start trying to attack the's pretty hilarious, minus when you're trying to sleep!

6.) Sushi: It was so hot yesterday, and I was trying to figure out what to eat that wouldn't make me hotter, so sushi was what came to mind, and it was fantastic!

7.) Independence

8.) Waiting: I am not a patient person, but apparently I'm suppose to be learning something while waiting for a certain school district to call me back about a job. I really hate waiting, but it goes along with with messing up, the less I have to wait, the less patient I become, the more I have to wait, the better my patience are!

9.) Wonderful Employees at Old Navy that help you get better discounts!

10.) Honesty

It's great to be back at the thankful thursday list! What are you thankful for this week?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 15 (A few weeks behind)

I know that I promised I would write last week but, it seems like come thursday I'm in such a funk. Don't get me wrong I love thursday because that means tomorrow is friday, but there's been so much going on that I just forget about my blog so easily.

So here's this weeks edition of Thankful Thursday

1.) Incredibly supportive friends and family!

2.) Psalm 23- This past monday night I got together with a sponsor from our college and career group and we were talking through this summer and she reminded me of this chapter, and it has brought me through a lot this week!

3.) Gentle reminders of His LOVE, which is so much stronger and better than human love.

4.) Air Conditioners- I finally got an air conditioner in my room this week! I'm so thankful for it, because I've gone 17 years without it and it makes sleeping in the summer bearable!


A lot has been happening around my house...there is so much uncertainty and I would like to say that I've been dealing with it well, but I haven't. I'm not doing well with it. I just want to scream actually, but how can I? How can I scream when I know that the words to "You Are For Me" by Kari Jobe are so true.

So faithful
So constant
So loving and so true
So powerful in all you do
You fill me
You see me
You know my every move
You love for me to sing to you

I know that you are for me
I know that you are for me
I know that you will never forsake me in my weakness
I know that you have come down
Even if to write upon my heart
To remind me who you are

So patient
So gracious
So merciful and true
Kari Jobe You Are For Me lyrics found on
So wonderful in all you do
You fill me
You see me
You know my every move
You love for me to sing to you

I know that you are for me
I know that you are for me
I know that you will never forsake me in my weakness
I know that you have come down
Even if to write upon my heart
To remind me that

I know that you are for me
I know that you are for me
I know that you will never forsake me in my weakness
I know that you have come down
Even if to write upon my heart
To remind me who you are

So, I am resting on these lyrics and the truth that is behind them and in the truth found in Psalm 23 to get me through these rough few days. I keep praying and spending time with my KING and knowing that He's going to get me through everything that's going on around me! And I am thankful for that too!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Has it really been 3 weeks?

Has it really been 3 weeks since I last posted something? That's crazy! For some reason, I've put off posting something for Thankful Thursday for 2 weeks, it's not that I haven't been thankful, but for some reason, I've been in this "funk." That's how my roommate would put it!

There has been so much going on over these last 3 weeks! I've secured a maternity leave position, and have a strong lead on a permanent position. I've sung an entire weekend of services at my parents church. I've read a few books. I've house sat for my friends. I've worked a few days here and there. I've gone to the shore. I've hung out with my friends, and seen some good movies. I've planned for my cruise next month, and I've started counting down the days till my birthday!

I've been so preoccupied recently. I've been dreaming a lot too; so much so, I've been having a hard time falling a sleep. I've been dreaming about what life's going to be like starting in September when I have a classroom again, and what I'm going to do with that paycheck! Mostly, what car I'm going to purchase with that paycheck! Last summer I was stuck on a Honda Civic, but now I really want an SUV! I've got my heart set on a JEEP, and now that I know what I want, I keep seeing them everywhere, and it's killing me because I know that i can't buy one until at least December, but I have next to no money saved up for that car! So, needless to say, I've been drooling over this car! But, then I was thinking through it a little more and that car is going to be a lot of money just with insurance, so now, I've got a lot more research to do and then when I do finally obtain a full time position then I can start looking into purchasing a vehicle even further.

With all of this waiting, I've nearly been going batty! I'm trying to stay calm and trying to not put myself in a position (in my head) that I'm not suppose to be at! I have a tendency to imagine myself in a place where I want to be, but it's not necessarily the place where I'm suppose to be. I haven't been spending a lot of time praying about it, and I know that I need to be doing that! I don't want to make any decisions without first having confirmation.

So there's an update about what's been happening here in 3 weeks! I'm sure there has been a lot more, but this post could be a mile long if I write anymore!

Be on the look out for a new thankful thursday this week!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 14 (On Monday)

I can't believe that I forgot about Thankful Thursday this week! Well, Thursday was a crazy busy day in my world! I had an interview Thursday morning, I had lunch with a friend and then I had a second interview in the afternoon followed by band rehearsal!

Needless to day, my car and I weren't separated for long! I'm pretty sure I put on 170 miles on my car without leaving the state! All in all it was a great day! I'm pretty optimistic about the hotel job that I applied for and as for the teaching position, well I now have a job for September! I'm very, very excited! I'm looking forward to teaching choir again! I haven't done so in a long time, and I just can't wait to get started! It's going to be fantastic!

So, now that I have a job, I guess I really need to start praying about a car, because grandpa is getting older and older by the minute!

So here are my thankful thoughts of the week!
1.) A NEW job!

2.) New opportunities

3.) Awesome family and friends

4.) Hopes and Dreams

5.) Fun Musicales: Seussical Jr was performed at the school where I taught and it was great! The kids did such a great job with it!

6.) Beach Days

7.) Sunscreen

8.) Cool Summer nights

9.) Rain that cools off the earth

10.) Frigid NJ waters that feel really good on hot summer days!

I LOVE SUMMER! I hope that this post isn't an indication of the rest of my summer, where I forget each thursday to write what I'm thankful for....someone remind me please!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 13

I can't believe that I've stayed away from this blog for a whole week, it's been a busy one though! So here are my thoughts!

1.) Worship Bands: This weekend I went on a retreat with my college and career group and there was an awesome Worship Band and it was so cool to worship with them!

2.) Demo Lessons: I had an awesome demo lesson this past tuesday for a job for next year, and I was really excited to be working with middle school students again! I had a blast sharing a fun African piece with them, and they enjoyed the piece a lot!

3.) HULU: I've caught up on so many shows this week because I've been able to watch them on Hulu.

4.) Thunderstorms: We had a super awesome thunderstorm tonight. Now if you know me, I was ridiculously scared of them as a child, so I think it's awesome that I love them now! It was really warm today and the thunderstorm cooled off the earth so wonderfully!

5.) My new Business Cards: They are so pretty! If you'd like some just let me know!

6.) Lake Champion: It is just so beautiful and the weather this past weekend was fantastic! It is so easy to appreciate God's creation while you're sitting near the lake while the fog is rising off of it in the early morning!

7.) Getting Challenged Spiritually: This weekend was so awesome!

8.) My Roomates New Job: She's going to be 2.5 hours closer to me know! WOOHOO

9.) LOST: I've spent 3 years watching that show, and it ended this weekend. I'm not sure if I liked the ending, but I'm so glad I watched it! Plus, we had a great time at our LOST party.

10.) Each and Every day being a new day!

It's been a crazy week, but a great one! Someday I'll write about the weekend!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 12

I was so excited when I realized that it was Thursday because that meant that I was able to write down my thankful thoughts for the week

1.) Interviews that lead to Demo Lessons

2.) Lake Champion: Our College and Career group is going on their annual retreat this weekend and it's going to be amazing! I'm so expectant of what He's going to teach us this weekend!

3.) Job Opportunities: He never ceases to amaze me, just when I'm down about finding a job and worrying about my finances, something always surfaces!

4.) Playing French Horn: Last night my Middle School Band Director had her retirement concert and I was able to play my horn for the first time in 4 years! I was so excited to play again, and I was glad that it was just like riding a bike! I played for so many years that it was impossible for me to forget how to play! I had a blast!

5.) Cotton Skirts

6.) Beautiful Days for Wonderful Drives

7.) Playing with my cousins: They are so full of life, and are full of joy and never cease to make me smile and laugh!

8.) Curling Gel: I love being able to get up in the morning and decide that i don't want to dry my hair, but I get to wear it curly. It seems ridiculous, but I've enjoyed having options with my hair over the last year. Before that I always had to dry and straighten it, and that takes forever and gets boring!

9.) Mentors: It's hard to believe that a year ago I was just learning guitar and learning how to lead worship, over this past year I've undergone tremendous growth and I'm so thankful for my amazing mentors

10.) Books: I love getting lost in books and feeling like I belong in the story and feeling like I belong in the characters world! I've just started reading the Twilight books, I know, I'm behind, but I'm enjoying them tremendously and I can't wait to read more!

My goal for the weekend is to be quiet! Each year I go into the retreat wanting to become recharged, and this weekend is no different! I'm excited!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 11

Wow, what a day it has been!

There is so much to be thankful for today!

1.) Interviews that go well and produce demo lesson opportunities!

2.) Phone interviews

3.) Job Possibilities

4.) The possibility that I could be living with my roomate again next year! It what I'm praying for, so if it's in His will, it'll happen! Praying also, that I don't get too excited about it, so that if it doesn't happen I don't become disappointed, but encouraged that there is something else that He has in store for us!

5.) Email: I've spent all afternoon writing emails and responding to them, what would I do with out technology

6.) Ocean Grove Choir Festival: I have the opportunity to keep up my choral directing skills by working on this music for this festival that will take place in July!

7.) My Planner: If I didn't have a planner I'm pretty sure my life would fall apart

8.) Bologna from the German Butcher, it's soooo good

9.) Spicy Coconut Shrimp

10.) The Beautiful 75 degree weather that we had today! It was such a refreshing change after a series of cold dreary spring days!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I have an addiction

I need to admit this to the blog world, I have an addiction! I am addicted to finding new bands/artists and buying their music! I am addicted to finding out everything about their music and what their inspiration was and how the perform and what makes them stand out as a group!

This week I added a new column to my itunes music list and it is "YEAR." I can now see how old my music is. It is May the 12th and since January 1st I have purchased 10 brand new CD's that have been produced this year. I don't know how many CD's in total that I've purchased since January! I'm sure my bank account could tell you!

Music is something that I love so deeply! I guess that's why I can't wait till I have my own classroom, so that I can teach music all day long! But, that's a tangent!

This year the world of Christian Music has produced some amazing albums thus far! Some of my favorites are: (in no particular order)
2. Passion 2010
3. Meredith Andrews: As Long As it Takes
4. Tenth Avenue North: Light Meets the Dark
5. Vicky Beeching: Eternity Invades

If you haven't heard these albums yet, you're missing out!

I love New Release Tuesday, each week they have great updates about what new music is coming out and info about the artists!

So, I've now admitted it! I'm am addicted to new Christian music!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 10

It's not secret that Thursday is one of my favorite days of the week! It's nearly the weekend and I have worship team practice tonight and I get to write about the things that I've been thankful for this week! This thursday is no exception!

1.) Praxis Scores: Last week I received word that I passed the Praxis II test with a high enough score for the state of Virginia! What a relief! I honestly thought I had failed that test and was pretty bummed not because it meant that I couldn't find a job in VA but that it meant that I would have to waste more money on taking it again!

2.) The internet: I know, I was thankful for this a while back, but honestly there is no other way that I would be able to job hunt in a different state. I spent all day Monday on the internet researching schools, if I didn't have this resource I'm pretty sure that I would be in the dark and homeless.

3.) Real Friends: I'm talking about the type of friends who really ask you how you are, and who can read you and know when you're not okay and keep asking why. They don't let up until you confess what's been going on and then they listen! Those friends are the best!

4.) Headphones: Last night I stayed up super late preparing music for a rehearsal next week, and the only way I could do that without disturbing my entire house and hearing every part of the song was with headphones! I love my headphones, I carry them everywhere!

5.) Books: I love to read! I love reading about topics that interest me! I could be stuck in a book all day and feel so content!

6.) Window Screens: Silly I know, as we speak I'm sitting in my room enjoying the sun coming through my window and the breeze that is blowing without all of the bugs! Window screens were an amazing invention! They keep so many flying and creeping critters out of my house!

7.) Prayer: I know for sure that I wouldn't know what to do with my life if I didn't have prayer! I took about 2.5 weeks off and well, I could sense the difference in my life, and my friends were able to sense it as well! There is just so much that I miss when I'm not praying! BTW, today is National Day of Prayer. Did you pray for your country, teachers, students, schools, government officials, Armed Forces, or your family?

8.) Post it Notes: I have them all over my desk right now, they are helping me to stay organized! I have them all over regarding passwords for different employment sites and names of schools that I've applied to. Songs, that I love right now and want to learn how to play! Oh, I love how they come in different colors and they are sticky on just one edge! Genius!

9.) My Family: My family is back together for the first time in 4 months and it's fantastic! We've had 3 nights of family dinners, and I'm going to cherish them because well, let's face it, my family is changing...and I can't say that I'm a fan of that right now.

10.) Music: It is my passion 100%. I'm a nerd and got super excited yesterday afternoon when music for a choir festival came in the mail! As soon as I had time, I started researching the songs and finding recordings of them and planning out my rehearsals! I got super excited about it and I can't wait for Monday nights rehearsal! I can't wait to dive into the music! I'm a nerd I know!

Well, those are just a few things that I'm thankful for this week! What are you thankful for?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

JMU grad for 1 year

This time last year, I was finishing up my final week of student teaching and I thought that in 1 year I would have a new car, a new apartment and a new job, well how foolish am I?

It's one year since I graduated and I don't have a new car, I'm still living in my parents house and I don't have a job! I have my diploma but it's still sitting in the frame in the frame box behind my side bed table waiting to go up in my new classroom/office. But, you know what, it's okay! Really, this past year has been such a blessing to me! I've built new relationships, I've seen old ones grow and I've had a great year of learning!

Don't get me wrong, I still want all of those things, and I want them so badly, but when I reflect upon all of the amazing things that have happened this last year, I can't help but have a smile on my face! I took a few road trips back to school and realized that yes, my time at James Madison University came to an end and that I do need to grow up. But, how scary is that thought? Growing up, who actually want's to grow up.

Personally I am the sort of person who is always looking forward to the next event. If you ask anyone who really knows me, I always have some sort of countdown going, but as of recently I have not! Not that there hasn't been anything to count down to, but I've been excited for what's happening here and now! There are so many sweet things that happen to me each and every week. I never know when I'm working so I don't know what life I'm going to come in to contact with that day, but I can also know that I spend time with a lot of the same people, and I get excited to see where our relationship is going.

With that being said, I finally had some quiet time with God this afternoon in the park, and I can truly say that I missed it. I haven't been very consistent with that over the last 2.5 weeks or so and my friends were beginning to recognize that fact, so what did I do, I made a change. I changed the way I was feeling by sitting in His presence and just pouring my heart out to Him over the pages of my journal. I love talking to God, but I am terrible at listening to Him. So, that is one of my goals this summer, listen to Him better, to shut my mouth and just listen.

Are you happy with where you are in life? If not, why? What do you want to change? How do you think you can make that change happen? Can you make that change yourself, or do you need a supernatural force make that change for you? Do you listen, or do you talk the whole time? Do you even know that answer? If not, I urge you to take some time and evaluate your conversation life with Him!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Feeling Defeated

It always seems like I get into funks after school hours, when I'm home on my own time doing my own thing. The other day I was talking with Robbie and he said, "I love reading your blog, because most of your blogs are so upbeat."

Since that conversation, I've been thinking. Have I just placed another mask over my face? Instead of this being a mask that I wear in public, is this a mask that I've been wearing on the internet? My conclusion is that for the most part I am very upbeat and positive and that's only because of the work that He's been doing in my life, but I also have battles where I am not feeling upbeat, but quiet the contrary, and for the most part I feel sorry for myself.

I'm fighting against being dragged down into my own pity party more often than not recently. I'm getting sucked into the world again. It's almost the beginning of May and colleges are nearing the end of their semesters and well, I still don't have a job, and not only for right now but for next year. If I didn't think that this process of finding a job was hard already it's only going to get harder because an entire new graduating class is going to be seeking employment as well.

To add to my feeling of defeat my dad arrived home today and told me that he had some bad news. He told met I am going to need to begin researching individual health care plans. Well, dang it! He says, "Be prepared to pay $525 a month." To which I responded, "If I had an extra $525 a month, I would be buying a car."

I thought that this new health care plan was suppose to aid people in obtaining health care, not make it harder for them. Honestly, I'm unemployed (for the most part. I'm not a full time employee therefore I do not qualify for benefits) so how am I suppose to pay $525 a month for health care?

I must say that health insurance is very low on my list of things that I want to spend money on. I have 2 student loans, car insurance, day to day expenses and a car that is constantly needing something fixed. So my immediate response in how to spend my money would to be to pay off my bills as quickly as possible because well, I don't want to pay any more money in interest than I already am, and then when I'm finished with my student loans then I'm going to buy a car that does not make funny noises when you first start it, have a broken glove box and a leak in the floor so that when it rains it looks like I have a pond in the passenger side of my car. After I get a new car or at least a newer car, I NEED TO MOVE OUT! I mean don't get me wrong, I love my parents, but I need to move on with my life. I miss being able to cook what I want when I want and doing what I want when I want, having friends over what I want, making noise till 1am if I want without having to worry about waking Do I have my priorities lined up correctly? I can't say that they are perfectly lined up but, I would like to think that I have a pretty good handle on them. (Please respond if you think otherwise, to help me understand that I'm wrong.)

I was encouraged this afternoon when I received a phone call for an interview for a job next year! But, then I realized that it was for a maternity leave position and then I wasn't as excited as I had been before. If you asked me to fill that spot last year I would have been jumping for joy, but I've been a long term sub already. I want a full time job in a classroom that I can call my own, where the students aren't asking me why I have to leave. I'm feeling so selfish, but at this point, I can't really help it.

Well, there it is, that's how I'm really feeling right now! It's all out there, I'm taking the invisible mask off and exposing my thoughts to the world!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 9

I'm not going to lie, this week was sort of hard for me...the fact that I'm unemployed and feel useless hit me this week, so forgive me if I'm not as perky with my thankfulness.....

1.) The Pretty flowers! This week, I just kept seeing so many vibrant colors in the flowers! I love spring, almost as much as I love summer!

2.) Days off in which to spend time with friends.

3.) Panera: Asian Sesame Chicken Salad and Broccoli Cheddar Soup....mmmmmm

4.) Job postings

5.) Warm Weather: Today especially because earlier in the week it was cold and rainy and man did I miss the warm weather.

6.) New Guitar Strings

7.) Worship Leader Conferences: I learned a ton at the conference last weekend!

8.) School's almost over and the college kids are going to start coming home soon!

9.) My cell phone: I keep in contact with so many people because of it and I don't know what I would do without it sometimes!

10.) My Small Group Ladies: The bond that has fostered over the last year has been an unbelievable blessing in my life and I'm thankful for them every day!

Can you take some time out today to be thankful?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Song of the Week #6: Your Love Never Fails

It's been a few weeks since I did a Song of the Week post, but here it is!

So, this song has really been resonating with me recently. This past year has been a year of ups and downs. I graduated college with a sweet degree (I mean come on, I want to teach music for a living, how cool is that job going to be.), I interned at my church (One of the most amazing things that I've ever been able to do.), I landed a long term sub position for 5 months because there weren't any full time jobs for me, and well, all of a sudden that job was over. Just like that. I mean, Come on God, why now? I was just getting used to the job and everything that comes with it and you take it away now? Well, in that time, He's been teaching me a lot about His timing and what He wants for my life and so this song has just brought me so much comfort!

"He makes all things, work together for my good." Romans 8:28 (Paraphrased)
"Nothing can separate, even if I run away." Romans 8:38 (Paraphrased)
"Your Love Never Fails." 1 Corinthians 13:8 (Paraphrased)

How amazing are these promises? It's easy for us to feel sorry about our situations, and it's easy for us to let those around us think that we're doing okay with certain things, but why are we being phony? Why do we need to have other's believe that we've got it all together?

We don't need to have it all together, and the sweetest things is that when we don't have it all together these promises are even more comforting!

So, check out this song of the week! It's written by Chris McClarney!

Nothing can separate
Even if I ran away
Your love never fails

I know I still make mistakes
But You have new mercies for me everyday
Your love never fails

You stay the same through the ages
Your love never changes
There maybe pain in the night but joy comes in the morning

And when the oceans rage
I don't have to be afraid
Because I know that You love me
Your love never fails

Verse 2:
The wind is strong and the water's deep
But I'm not alone in these open seas
Cause Your love never fails

The chasm is far too wide
I never thought I'd reach the other side
But Your love never fails

You make all things work together for my good

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 8

I can't believe that it's been 2 months since I started this journey in blogging! I've found that writing out my thoughts, helps me to process them, and in the end I've started seeing changes in my life! How SWEET!

So here's this weeks version of Thankful Thursday:
1.) Sunshine- it has been one of the sunniest and warmest Aprils that I can ever remember

2.) Conviction- God's been showing me a lot about myself recently and how much garbage there is still in my life and although it hurts to admit it, coming out of the refining fire is fantastic!

3.) "Facedown" by Matt Redman- Just finished the book this week. If you're involved with worship at all you need to read this!

4.) Skype- it's become my new AIM. I get to talk with friends no matter if they are 1/4 mile dow the road, 5 hours north of me or half way around the world in China!

5.) Clouds- Yesterday I started a new book called "When Women Worship" and in that book there is a story about a girl who lives in the desert and her car breaks down and she passes out from the heat. The story continues but that's the part where the clouds make the difference. Can you imagine how hot our world would be if we didn't have clouds. We get rain from clouds so that everything is green and it can grow and produce food, so if we didn't have clouds we too would probably be living in a desert.

6.) Quiet time in my car at the park- I haven't been able to spend as much time in the park this week as I wanted to, so the time that I do get to spend is even more precious!

7.) Texting- I love keeping up with my friends at a split second...I love hearing what's going on in their lives at that very instant

8.) Being Challenged- Each week we're being challenged more and more as a worship team, and it's been an amazing journey! This past sunday was indescribable! I'm so expectant about this upcoming weekend!

9.) It's Late April- That means that the college kids are going to be coming home soon! That means, that I'm not going to be an only child in my house anymore! WOOOHOOOOO (There should be laws against seeing your brother once every 4 months)

10.) MY ROOMATE- She sent me a surprise card this week, and it obviously made my day! She's so amazing like that!

What are you thankful for? Have you been taking the Thankful Thursday challenge? If not, what's holding you back?

You should all check out my brothers blog and check out his challenge.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Taking Inventory, opening many boxes

So, this last week has been a little dull and I just didn't know what to write about, well that is until today!

So, I finished the book "Facedown" by Matt Redman, it was mind blowing! There are aspects of worship that I'd never even thought about! He included so many great verses and images and stories that really made the book feel alive (It's non-fiction). I honestly had to read one chapter at a time so that I could digest what he was talking about! So, if you haven't read this book, you need to read it and read it slowly!
It's not just for worship leaders, its for anyone who worships! It will give you a greater insight about worship and how God views worship and how you can worship!

So, since I had a eye opening talk a few weeks ago, I guess it may be about 3 now, I've been spending a lot of time at the park, just reading the Word, and praying and listening and looking at nature and thinking, God this is so stinking sweet. Well this last week has been a little rough. I've sort of been doing that, but the other day I reclined my seat in the car and started praying and next thing I know 30 minutes had gone by, and well I know that I hadn't been praying that long, I fell asleep. How could I fall asleep? Well, I guess I set myself up for failure, I reclined my seat, the windows were open and I was looking right into the sun so it was really nice and warm in my car. See, failure!

Yesterday I tried it in a coffee shop and well, I didn't get to concentrate too much. For one my friend works there and we're always talking and I can never get quiet there. So, when I was finally starting to get quiet, this middle aged woman walks in with her elderly mother and she is talking quite loudly. So naturally I'm getting a little annoyed because it's hard for me to concentrate normally and now this woman is coming in and she's talking loudly and asking questions because she's never been there before. So they come inside and naturally the like what they see and grab something to eat and drink and then decide to sit down. Because there are people in the back room they sit at a bench next to me. I start thinking great, now I'm really not going to get anything done. Well, I soon realize that this woman's mother is probably suffering from some kind of dementia. So, this lady starts talking quite loudly and I'm getting more upset and I get up and talk to my friend for a second and come back and she still keeps talking. After a while she starts talking to me. Well it wasn't until she left that I was like, Meaghan what is your problem. You're probably one of the only people she talks to all day. Her mother is off in her own little world and doesn't know what's really happening to her right then and there. So naturally I'm upset with myself for not being welcoming to this woman and more pleasant when she was talking to me.
Thanks God for the conviction.

So, today I'm at the park, it's raining outside but I haven't spent time there since probably Monday so I'm looking forward to it. Well, I'm writing things down and He's revealing stuff and I'm like okay God just show me what else I'm doing wrong, well that is like opening pandora's box. Let me just tell you that I've now been listing things in my head and then other things have happened. Like, yesterday I found out some really good information and immediately I was on the phone talking to my friends and telling them and well the first thing I read today while in the park is James 3 and it's titled controlling your tongue. OH MAN!

So, now I'm going to make a written list, because He's telling me exactly what I was asking about! So, now it's time to do something about it.

Do you need to make a list? Do you need to listen? Be careful, but in the end, it's going to be amazingly worth it!

I'm excited that tomorrow's Thankful Thursday!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 7

I love Thursdays! I'm so excited to be writing this post from my favorite coffee shop in town!

This week I'm thankful for:

1.) Guitar Playing afternoons at church with some of my favorite people.

2.) Women in Worship Network: The Site is run by Vicky Beeching, and it's pretty neat to connect with other women who are involved with worship.

3.) Reading other people's blogs!

4.) Working, I've had a lot of work this week!

5.) Bible Study Girls: I love that we can share whatever is going on in our lives with one another and we can lift each other up daily!

6.) This amazing April Weather!

7.) The Beach

8.) Skype

9.) Sweet Endings: It's an amazing little coffee shop in my town that I love to hang out at! Plus, the people who work they're are pretty awesome!

10.) Schooley's Mountain Park: It's a pretty sweet county park in my town that it really cool and its really quiet so God and I can have a lot of really awesome times together!

Happy Thursday! What are you Thankful for?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Beach Visit on April 11th?

While sitting in church yesterday morning, I leaned over to my friend to ask her what she was doing, and she generated quite a laundry list of things, and then she asked me what I was doing, and I said, I have no idea, but I really want to go to the beach! Well, that was the end of it, we decided that we would spend the gorgeous April afternoon at the beach!

Do I really live in NJ? Because, normally we're still cold and it's raining, but on April 11th I went to the beach and I wore my bathing suit and I got a little pink on my back!

I love the beach! It's so relaxing, I got to take my first beach nap of 201o!

I have already decided that this must happen a lot this year! I miss just running down to the beach for a few hours! I love living so close to the beach! I also need to invest in a beach chair so that I can get even color for the first time in my life! I've better start working my my base tan before my cruise in July! Oh I can't wait for it!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Quiet's amazing how much He speaks when you're actually quiet! Do you ever try not talking and just listening?

Thankful Thursday Week 6

The 6th Edition!

1.) Bright, Cheerful, Warm, Sunny Spring Days!

2.) New Life: I've been amazed by the flowers this year and the new frog that's appeared in my parents pond!

3.) Growth: There has been a lot of growth in my life over the past year! It's been such an awesome journey and I can't wait to see where He takes me in the years to come!

4.) Teachers who are your Advocates and Mentors!

5.) Reconnecting with Old Friends

6.) Expectations: I've had a lot of high expectations for many past and upcoming events and I haven't been let down yet! WOOHOO

7.) The Internet: I don't know how this whole job thing would be going without it! I spend hours on the internet looking for jobs and finding addresses and it's amazing how easy it is!

8.) Ceiling Fans: We haven't put the screens in our windows yet, so I don't want to keep them open at night for fear of bats joining me, so I'm grateful that I have a fan in my room that creates an awesome breeze!

9.) Easter: This Easter was awesome! The Worship Experience Sunday morning was electric! I'm so thankful that we have Easter!

10.) My Car: as much as I complain about it, Grandpa gets me to and from many places and we've had many adventures together over the past 6 years! He's been pretty faithful to me! Now, I just need him to hang in there about another year so that I can save up money to buy a car and move out!

This week has been a journey.....what are you thankful for?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Song of the Week #5- Holding Nothing Back

Well, if you know anything about me you know that I'm somewhat of a social network junkie. I'm on facebook and twitter and I have this blog but most recently I've joined as site called Women in Worship Network. ( It's organized and maintained by Vicky Beeching. She is a worship leader from the UK. (Her accent is pretty sweet!) So, she had this great idea to create this site for Women who are involved with worship. You don't have to be a worship leader, you can just be a woman who enjoys worship or you can be involved with worship.

Anyway, while checking out the site, I found a forum about song lists for easter. The women who are a part of the site posted their set lists for easter services. I came across this one song in particular that I was intrigued with probably because it was recorded by Jesus Culture. It's called "Holding Nothing Back." It's originally by Tim Hughes and well he's a genius so you can't go wrong with anything by him. Anyway, I found a video of Jesus Culture singing this song and I was caught by the end of the chorus.

The words are not complicated or elaborate, they just spoke to my heart today! So here's "Holding Nothing Back" originally by Tim Hughes.

I am chosen I am free, I am living for eternity, Free now forever You pick me up, turn me around You set my feet on solid ground, Yours now forever
Nothing’s gonna hold me back Nothing’s gonna hold me back   Nothing’s gonna hold me back
My chains fell off my heart was free I’m alive to live for You I’m alive to live for You Amazing love how can it be?  You gave everything for me You gave everything for me Everything  You’ve washed my sin and shame away,  the slate is clean a brand new day Free now forever  Now boldly I approach Your throne,  to claim this crown through Christ my own Yours now forever  
Free to live Free to give Free to be I’m free to love You [Last time only – Lord]

I love my Small Group

Wow, it's been amazing to see the transformation of our small group in the last few months! I felt like we had record numbers last night for during a school year! We had 11 people there last night and the conversation was so engaging!

A few months ago we started Max Lucado's study on Acts. I didn't really know what to think of it at first because up to that point it was really only the girls who had ever used books to lead their bible studies and now this was going to be a new experience, and I was just a little nervous! But, I had nothing to be nervous about! Last night we finished up our study on Acts Chapter 8 which is the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. I have to tell you, I've probably studied that specific chapter about 3 times thus far in my life, and last week and this week were totally eye opening!

I've never put a lot of effort into learning more about the Holy Spirit, and finding out how He works, but this studied has broadened my understanding of Him. It's because of Him that our conversations have been stretched and we've gotten to bond as a group! We're sharing stories and being real and honest and truthful! It's fantastic!

After that we get to have prayer time separated from one another! This is my favorite part of the night! This time is so precious to me! We get to share with each other what we've been going through over the last week. We get to sympathize and empathize with each other but we also get to rejoice with one another! The more time we get to spend together the closer we all get and the more comfortable we become and thus the more transparent we are!

Transparent isn't a word that I would have used a few years ago, because I just wanted to keep my problems to myself, but after getting smacked upside the head a few times last week, I'm becoming ever increasingly aware about the importance of being transparent. I've been finding out that the more transparent that I am, the more that is revealed to me about myself. When I'm talking about one thing, God links a thought to something else that needs work too! It's really super cool!

So, try it! Try being transparent with someone! See how God pulls you and stretches you and reveals things to you that you didn't even know about!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

What a day!

When I woke up this morning I didn't think that today would turn out the way it did! I didn't realize that He had a mission today to do work, but boy did He do work in me today! It has been exhausting, exciting, frustrating, and amazing all at the same time! I found out things about myself that I didn't even know were there.

My new word for life at this moment is: TRUST

I wish I had guts like my twin to tattoo it across my foot like her word! But, I don't have those kind of guts so, for right now, I'll just write it everywhere!

Are you willing to be open for Him to do work?

Thankful Thursday Week 5

This past week has been crazy. I've been here there and everywhere! I've watched 3 different dogs this weekend, and it was pretty fantastic! So here are my thoughts, this week!

I am thankful for:
1.) My Car: last friday I was without it and I missed my freedom to go where I want, when I want all day long!

2.) Freedom

3.) Washing Machines

4.) Weddings: A friend got married this weekend and it was beautiful! They were so gracious and asked me to sing at their wedding and I was honored! I'm so happy for them both and wish them all the best!

5.) Snail Mail: I got a very unexpected note in the mail yesterday and it just brought a smile to my face!

6.) Gluten Free Broccoli and Beef Stir-Fry: It's so good! I could eat it all the time!

7.) Songs that just send you into a deep thought. They just speak to you in ways that you've never understood and it's such a wonderful feeling!

8.) Waking up in the morning, with the sun already shinning through.

9.) Infection Free Eyes: I've been fighting an infection in my eye since October and I think it's finally gone! Take that stupid infection!

10.) Small Group: We are having the most amazing time together and learning so much! I love them and what they have to offer each and every week and I love the girls who can share details of life with each other and honestly care about you!

it's been a fantastic week! What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Would you go?

Last night we had small group and I wasn't prepared for it at all! I had planned on getting into the study earlier that day, but with everything I just forgot. I hate showing up and not really having anything to contribute to the discussion, but let me tell you, it was one of the coolest discussions we've had yet!

We're going through a study on Acts written by Max Lucado and each week he takes a section from a chapter in Acts and we focus on that. We've been through a lot of good discussions thus far, and well, last night took the cake. Last night we were reading from Acts 8, focusing on the Story of the Ethiopian Eunuch. A few years ago, we studied this same passage, and it wasn't anything like last weeks study.

We discussed things I'd never even thought about like, Philip just left Samaria because God asked him to. He told him to go south down the desert road, and guess what....Philip did just that! He left. He didn't ask questions, he didn't do it begrudgingly, he just got up and left because the angle of the Lord told him to. Next he comes upon an Ethiopian Eunuch whose on the desert road who was on his way back to Ethiopia via Jerusalem. This man was very rich because he was a treasurer, so why was he on the desert road that was known only for traders because robbers were known to attack people on this road. He's a Eunuch and he was worshiping in a temple in Jerusalem? Really, what? And to top it all off, Philip met him there, while he was reading out of the book of Isaiah, and he didn't understand what he was reading, but Philip was there to help him understand. AHHHHHHHHH.........what? My mind was being blown!

Anyway, Philip was brought there by God for a reason. He instructed the Eunuch about what he was reading and the Eunuch believed then the Eunuch wanted to be baptized, and he was baptized IN WATER. Did I mention that they were in a DESERT? They just happened to be near water? Are you kidding? How can this be?

There was no other way for my small little mind to understand this than to fully believe that God has plans for us. He wants us to be in specific places as specific times. So, in order for us to do as God wants us to do, we can't be comfortable, we can't begrudgingly agree to do whatever it is, because we wouldn't be honoring Him and loving Him, because He knows what's best for us.

So, I've been asking myself this question over the last few hours, am I too comfortable? Would I be willing to leave and just go and follow God's instructions? Would I do it willingly or begrudgingly? I would like to say that I would be willing and that I would trust Him 100%, but I don't think that I would.

So, in the next few days, I'm challenging myself, to really search into why would I not act the same way Peter acted. Why would I not do something cheerfully for the God that I love so much. Do I really love Him that much? Because in a few days from now, He proves to us how much He does love us. There is no denying His love for us.

Will you take the challenge with me? Will you search out these answers?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Song of the Week #4- We Cry Out/ Thoughts about Sunday

This past sunday's contemporary worship service at church was amazing, anointed, refreshing, blessed, and filled with God sightings! Over the last month and a half, I've been in and out of church for various reasons and haven't really been able to play with the band, and man have I missed playing and worshiping with them! All I can say, is that this is one of the most positive, uplifting, encouraging, engaged group of people I've ever met! (I'm on an adjective kick today, can you tell?) I was a little nervous going into the second service because we had a few technical difficulties during the first service and I just didn't know what was going to happen. Well, we had a few more in the second service, but it was so easy to look past them!

After we started the service, I could already feel there was something electric in the room. Over the last few weeks the air in the room doesn't seem as heavy, it's easier to breath in an out. This idea of breathing in and out is the way our worship leader at church describes a worship service. You need to both breath in and breath out, and with this "air" it's been so much easier to do that. I never really thought about that before, breathing in and out. Probably because I do a lot of breathing out all the time. Example: Prayer, I'm always the one telling things to God, but I'm never breathing in His answers. So, this idea of breathing in and out has perplexed and challenged me over the last few weeks.

As the service continues, I'm feeling more relaxed and I'm able to turn around and make contact with the band members and I'm also able to make connections with the congregation instead of staring at my music. The highest point in the service was when we sang "We Cry Out" which has been recorded by Gateway Church in Texas.

Well, when I first heard this song, I just wanted to cry. It's so beautiful, and pure. While thinking about breathing in and out, I've also been thinking about God's different names because of this song. I've heard before that God has many different names but I've never took the time to actually think about them and what they mean. Apparently in the Bible God has something like 210 different names. (Not an exact number) Wow, can you believe that, God has that many names. Now, I have many nicknames, but I don't have anywhere close to that number of names. And the crazier part is that in our own spoken language we all say His names differently. I can only think to ask, "How does He not get confused?"

It may seem to be a funny question, but the answer is, No, He doesn't get confused because He is the Maker of the universe. I just loved singing to Him this past sunday and calling Him by some of His names. I have a new desire, and that is to start learning more names, and to use them during my quiet times and prayer time. If you haven't heard this song, you need to check it out!

Father of life seated on Your throne of grace
It’s only by Your mercy we are saved
Lord, You have said if we call upon Your name
We and our families will be saved

So we cry out Your name
El Shaddai, God of grace
Lord most high, Jesus Christ
We rely on Your grace
Adonai, crowned in praise
Lord most high, Jesus Christ

Father of love never failing to forgive
Each moment is a gift from You to live
We’re only here to tell the world about Your grace
Until the day You take us all away

We will cry out on Your name
El Shaddai, God of grace
Lord most high, Jesus Christ
We rely on Your grace
Adonai, crowned in praise
Lord most high, Jesus Christ

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 4

Wow, a whole month of thankful thursdays! can I tell you that I've become more thankful on a day to day basis because of this very blog! It's been such an awesome journey!

Here we go!
1.) Celestial's Wild Berry Tea with Honey: after an awesome band rehearsal tonight, this was such a nice treat to come home to!

2.) CNJAC: These lovely Sigma Alpha Iota alumnae are awesome! I love them!

3.) Batons: I've missed using a baton since conducting class and I've been able to use one a lot in the last two weeks and I've loved it!

4.) Beautiful Sunny Days: The weather last weekend was gorgeous and I was so happy to get out of the house!

5.) Sushi: it is such a refreshing dinner and it's healthy1

6.) GPS: I've had to use my GPS a lot this week and it's gotten me through many interesting areas of NJ this week!

7.) Kari Jobe: Her music is always speaking to me and I'm really excited to be introducing a song of hers this weekend to the congregation!

8.) Flip Flops: I could wear them all the time!

9.) Spring Dresses: I love dresses and I can't wait to wear my new one!

10.) Dog Sitting: It gets me out of my house for a few days and because I'm out of my house I feel like I'm back in college!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Song of the Week #3- You're Not Alone

Back in Feburary I bought a whole bunch of new music as I do every few months and I came across Meredith Andrews cd from 2008. I'd heard her music a few times, but didn't listen closely until one day while cleaning my room her song "You're not alone" comes on. I'm instantly hooked on it! The lyrics just spoke to me! The title itself speaks volumes. It describes the life of a christian because we're not alone, we don't have to walk through life, and hard times or good times by ourselves because we have an all knowing and loving God who is always there for us no matter what. He wants us to know that we don't have to go through tough times by ourselves, because He is here with us, but also He's sent other people in our lives to act as Jesus' hands and feet to us as well.

He promises in Hebrews 13:5, "I will never leave you or forsake you." This songs speaks this verse so clearly! It's a verse that I've had to be reminded about frequently. God's constantly reminding me that I don't have to walk through this life alone, He is there to lead me through everything. I pray that this song speaks to you as it has spoken to me.

I search for love, when the night came, and it closed in, I was alone, but you found me, where I was hiding, and now I'll never ever be same, it was the sweetest voice, that called my name sayin

You're not alone, For I am here, let me wipe away your every fear, My love I've never left your side, I have seen you through the darkest night, And I'm the one that who's loved you all your life, All of your life

You cry your self to sleep, cause the hurt is real, and the pain cuts deep, all hope seems lost, with heart ache your closest friend, and everyone else long gone, you've had to face the music on your own, but there is a sweeter song that calls you home, saying

You're not alone, For I am here, let me wipe away your every tear, My love I've never left your side, I have seen you through the darkest nights, And I'm the one who's love you all your life, All your life

Faithful and true... Forever, For my love will carry you...
You're not alone, for I... I am here, let me wipe away your every fear... Oh yeah, My love I've never left your side, I have seen you through your darkest night,

Your darkest nights, And I'm the one that's loved you all your life,

All of your life

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday Week 3

It's Week 3 already! Wow, it's been nearly a month since I started this blog! I can't believe it! So here's this week's version of Thankful Thursday!

1.) Qasadilla's. I had some really yummy Qasadilla's tonight with peppers and onions! YUMMM

2.) Subbing Jobs- I was able to work 3.5 days this week!

3.) VVC Worship Team- they are a wonderful group of people that love Jesus and make some pretty awesome music

4.) Venti Non-Fat Hazelnut Latte- mmmmm deliciousness (Thanks twin for getting me stuck on these)

5.) Sweet Endings- It's a pretty cute coffee shop in the center of my town that's so cute and fun and peaceful! I love spending time there in the afternoons

6.) Snarling Dog 0.53 Green Grip Guitar Picks- Ever since I stopped being silly and insisting that I can only use pink picks, I have dropped fewer picks! YAY, grippy picks!

7.) This is such an awesome site. I love looking around for design ideas and because of etsy I've decided to make my own guitar straps now!

8.) Successful Shopping Trips- I went shopping on Sunday and walked out to my car with 4 really full bags and spent under $220. It was pretty fantastic!

9.) New clothes- I love wearing new clothes, there's just something about them that brings a smile to my day! I've been able to wear a new outfit every day this week! WOOHOO

10.) inC Leadership Team- Let me tell you, the college and career group at my church is fantastic! They are such Godly Men and Women and they are so encouraging and humble!

It's been a pretty fantastic week! I'm very much looking forward to this weekend! Job Fair on saturday and submitting my application for my dream job on monday! Wow, big things are happening!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I am so blessed! I'm currently sitting in a chair at a school where I'm subbing today. How blessed am I to have a job? It is so easy for me to complain about not having a full time, steady job, but guess what....I don't need one. I'm living with my parents with hardly any bills to pay compared to a lot of people I know, with only a little debt from college because my parents are amazing people and bore a lot of that burden for me. How blessed am I? I am totally, unbelievably, 100% blessed.

It's amazing how down we can get when things don't go exactly like we planned it. But, see that's the problem, our plans are not the right plans. They may be good ones, but they don't always provide the best outcome for us. But, God has plans for us. He has great plans for us. One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11-13 "'For I know the plans I have for you', declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. The you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.'

Wow, that passage bring so much joy in my heart. God has plans for us. He doesn't want us to be alone or sad or discontent. He wants us to be happy, joyful, loved and cared for. The later is how I've been feeling lately. He's doing a great work inside of me because I've been seeking Him and I've been finding Him. His Word is Truth. He is Truth. God is never going to lie to me, He's never going to make up stories if something doesn't go the way I want it to. Is there anyone in your life that you can honestly say is 100% honest with you all the time? I know that I can't. We all fail in life. We are not perfect.

God bestowed His greatest blessing on us when He sent His only son to the cross. God knew that Jesus had to come to earth as a man to become the ultimate sacrifice and blessing for us. Wow. What a blessing?

The word blessing means: the act or words of a person who blesses. a special favor, mercy, or benefit: the blessings of liberty. a favor or gift bestowed by God, thereby bringing happiness.

What kind of blessings do you have in your life? Are these blessings in your family? Your Church? Your friends? You Job? Your students?

Make sure you stop and think about the many blessings in your life!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Song of the Week #2 -We Want the World to Hear

A few weeks ago I was driving down to my Alma Mater, the lovely campus of James Madison University. This is the place that I feel in love with back in 7th grade just by looking at a poster. I told my band director that I was going to go there and well, 6 years later I was walking around the campus as a student, and not just a student a music education student. Ironic? I think not!

After 4 wonderful years there I graduated and moved back home. This move placed a void in my life because I missed my friends, sisters and roomate tremendously, so I've decided that I need to visit as often as I can. Well, I've made 2 visits since graduation! Not too shabby since I do live 5 hours away.

Okay, down to my thoughts of the day! As I was driving I remembered that I left my ipod in my trunk and well since I was trying to escape the snow, I decided that I would just leave it there and not stop because time was of the essence. During my travels I had to switch my radio frequency quite a few times as you could imagine since I was traveling through 5 different states. I started off with Star 99.1fm. My radio station of choice in New Jersey and lost the station at almost the exact same time as I crossed into PA. Well, there wasn't much to choose from so I decided to listen to NPR. Why you may ask. Well, there wasn't much else! So after a few hours of classical music, I was ready for something that I could sing to! Here enters KLOVE.

KLOVE is a national Christian radio station that is broadcast all over the nation from different smaller radio stations. I was listening to the music and found out very quickly that I knew only a few of the songs on this station. I was baffled. I'm always on the look out and think of myself as a Christian Music aficionado. I can spend hours on itunes, twitter and google looking for new bands. Well, all of a sudden I found myself singing the words to a song that I never even heard before. So, I took out my cell phone (I know, don't text and drive) and I started my VCAST song ID application up and got the title and artist to the song. Well, I had at least heard of the band, and for the life of me couldn't understand how I didn't know this song. Well, it stuck with me.

When I say that the song stuck with me I really mean, the chorus stuck with me.
There is none righteous
There is none worthy
There is none Holy but You the King
I will live my life to sing of Your wonder
To shout of Your glory so creation will hear God
We want the world to hear

How powerful are these lyrics? It spells it out plain and simple. He is the King. He is the only one worthy of all of praise and that we shouldn't be hiding this knowledge under a bush, but that we should be telling the whole world.

Last night at our college and career groups large group meeting we sang this song. Well, God had worked everything out yet again, because we were talking about how Holy God is. Dun, Dun, Dun...."There is none Holy, but You the King." He's holy, what does that mean? Well, we defined holy as someone being set apart, divine. I can only think of one person in the whole universe who fits that description and that is God.

So, ponder these lyrics. Take a look at what they have to say. It's a pretty sweet song! Praise Him, the one that made you and that one that is Holy and who will always be Holy.


Lyrics By:
Chris Kuti

Eternal King, we bless Your Name
For You were and You are, forever You will be
Praised in this place
And Lord our hearts are yielded
We give them only to You God

There is none righteous
There is none worthy
There is none Holy but You the King
I will live my life to sing of Your wonder
To shout of Your glory so creation will hear God
We want the world to hear

Oh sovereign King this heart is free
From the death that I was born into
You put Your Grace out on display
And in response I can help sing Your praise God

Hallelujah we sing
Hallelujah we cry
Hallelujah we’re living for Your Name, Jesus

Hallelujah we sing
Hallelujah we cry
Hallelujah we’re living for You